Wellness Challenge

5-Day Ditch the Sugar Challenge
Are you super tired all the time? Struggling to kick the mid-afternoon energy slump? Get super moody if you do not get your sugar fix? Can’t quite manage to eat as healthy as you would like because of your sweet tooth?
These are signs you would benefit from ditching sugar. And guess what? Starting January 4, 2021, we are doing the Ditch the Sugar Challenge, where you will discover tips for removing those unshakeable sugar cravings!
Through this program, you will get inspiration and motivation on how to cope while you are ditching refined sugar. By the end of the week, you will feel more comfortable ditching refined sugars and adding in foods that help curb sugar cravings. You may have already noticed a difference in how you feel by then too since sugar will not be an important part of your diet.
Ditch the Sugar Challenge Steps
Once you have paid ($49) for your challenge, you will receive an email from First Wave Wellness to join our private Facebook Group: Ditch the Sugar Challenge.
Each day, you will log in to this Facebook Group and review the post of the day, which will include a video from me, Jackie Day, IIN Health Coach, and a downloadable resource. A new challenge will be posted each morning so you can log in at any time during the day. At the end of the challenge, I will personally reach out to check-in and monitor your success and to receive feedback about the challenge.
Are you ready to learn more about how to cut down on your sugar cravings and get motivated to improve your health? Fill out the form on this page to get started!